dei consultant

Workplace Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) and Psychological Safety

Building environments where everybody flourishes.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion

diversity and inclusion consultant

Welcome to Elevated Coaching & Consulting’s specialized service in fostering Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEl), and Psychological Safety in the workplace. In today’s rapidly evolving world, organizations are recognizing that embracing diversity, promoting equity, and ensuring inclusivity are not just moral imperatives but also strategic advantages. We understand that building a workplace where every individual feels valued, heard, and safe to express themselves is not only the right thing to do but also a key driver of innovation and success.

mindset coaching
dei consulting

Why it Matters

dei consulting
Organizations that celebrate diversity and establish inclusion efforts benefit from a wider range of ideas, experiences, and insights, which directly translates into better decision-making and problem-solving. At Elevated Coaching & Consulting, we understand that diversity and inclusion are not standalone concepts – they go hand in hand with psychological safety.

Our Commitment

diversity and inclusion consulting

We are dedicated to guiding organizations on their journey toward creating a workplace that is not only diverse and inclusive but also psychologically safe for all employees. Our team of experienced consultants combines expertise in DEl strategy with a deep understanding of psychological principles. This unique blend allows us to address both the structural and interpersonal aspects necessary for a truly equitable and inclusive workplace.

diversity and inclusion consulting
DEI and Psychological Safety Consulting

The Path Forward

DEI and Psychological Safety Consulting

As you explore our Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Psychological Safety Consulting services, you’ll discover a holistic approach that recognizes the complexities of organizational dynamics.
We firmly believe that every organization is unique, and therefore, our solutions are tailored to your specific goals, challenges, and culture. Whether you’re just starting on this journey or looking to enhance existing initiatives, we’re here to provide guidance and insight for a DEI strategy that fosters positive change.

elevated coaching and consulting

The Elevated Approach

At Elevated Coaching & Consulting, our approach to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, along with Psychological Safety, is grounded in a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of these vital elements within an organization. We recognize that true progress in this area requires comprehensive strategic planning that addresses both structural and cultural aspects. Our approach can be summarized in three key pillars: Assessment, Strategy, and Empowerment.


We begin by gaining a thorough understanding of your organization’s current state regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion, along with psychological safety. This involves conducting comprehensive assessments that delve into the existing policies, practices, and overall organizational culture.


Based on the insights garnered from the assessment phase, we collaboratively develop a customized business strategy and roadmap that aligns with your organization’s values, mission, and goals.


We believe that transformation is most effective when it involves community engagement from your entire organization, from leadership to front-line employees. Our empowerment phase focuses on equipping your teams with the tools, skills, and mindset required to drive and sustain change.


We begin by gaining a thorough understanding of your organization’s current state regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion, along with psychological safety. This involves conducting comprehensive assessments that delve into the existing policies, practices, and overall organizational culture.


Based on the insights garnered from the assessment phase, we collaboratively develop a customized business strategy and roadmap that aligns with your organization’s values, mission, and goals.


We believe that transformation is most effective when it involves community engagement from your entire organization, from leadership to front-line employees. Our empowerment phase focuses on equipping your teams with the tools, skills, and mindset required to drive and sustain change.

Our DEI Services

DEI Consulting Service

Diversity Assessment

Through a combination of data collection, surveys, interviews, data analysis, and cultural audits, we gain insights into your workforce’s composition, representation, and experiences. This assessment goes beyond the surface, delving into the intricacies of your organization’s demographics, and helping us identify areas of strength and opportunities for improvement.

Equity and Inclusion Strategy

Once armed with the insights from the assessment, we collaborate with your organization to develop a holistic equity and inclusion business strategy tailored to your unique goals, values, and challenges. We focus on structural changes that promote fairness in hiring, promotions, and resource allocation, aiming to eliminate biases and barriers that might have existed.

Psychological Safety Workshops

Our engaging workshops are designed to promote Psychological Safety within your organization. Our workshops cover effective communication techniques, conflict resolution strategies, and ways to build trust among inclusive teams. By equipping your employees with the skills to navigate difficult conversations, we create an environment where diverse perspectives are not only welcomed but actively sought after.

Leadership Training

Leaders set the tone for organizational culture. Our Leadership Training programs focus on empowering your managers and leaders to champion diversity, equity, inclusion, and psychological safety. We offer insights into leading diverse teams, addressing biases in decision-making, and fostering an environment of respect and fairness.

Diversity Assessment

Through a combination of data collection, surveys, interviews, data analysis, and cultural audits, we gain insights into your workforce’s composition, representation, and experiences. This assessment goes beyond the surface, delving into the intricacies of your organization’s demographics, and helping us identify areas of strength and opportunities for improvement.

Equity and Inclusion Strategy

Once armed with the insights from the assessment, we collaborate with your organization to develop a holistic equity and inclusion business strategy tailored to your unique goals, values, and challenges. We focus on structural changes that promote fairness in hiring, promotions, and resource allocation, aiming to eliminate biases and barriers that might have existed.

Psychological Safety Workshops

Our engaging workshops are designed to promote Psychological Safety within your organization. Our workshops cover effective communication techniques, conflict resolution strategies, and ways to build trust among inclusive teams. By equipping your employees with the skills to navigate difficult conversations, we create an environment where diverse perspectives are not only welcomed but actively sought after.

Leadership Training

Leaders set the tone for organizational culture. Our Leadership Training programs focus on empowering your managers and leaders to champion diversity, equity, inclusion, and psychological safety. We offer insights into leading diverse teams, addressing biases in decision-making, and fostering an environment of respect and fairness.

Why Choose Us


At Elevated Coaching & Consulting, we bring a unique blend of deep expertise in both diversity, equity, and inclusion strategy, as well as a comprehensive understanding of psychological principles.

Proven Success

We have partnered with a diverse range of organizations across industries, helping them navigate the complexities of diversity, equity, inclusion, and psychological safety.

Tailored Solutions

We understand that every organization is unique, with its own culture, challenges, and aspirations. Our strategies are designed to align with your organizational values, enabling us to create a roadmap that reflects your goals and desired outcomes.


At Elevated Coaching & Consulting, we bring a unique blend of deep expertise in both diversity, equity, and inclusion strategy, as well as a comprehensive understanding of psychological principles.

Proven Success

We have partnered with a diverse range of organizations across industries, helping them navigate the complexities of diversity, equity, inclusion, and psychological safety.

Tailored Solutions

We understand that every organization is unique, with its own culture, challenges, and aspirations. Our strategies are designed to align with your organizational values, enabling us to create a roadmap that reflects your goals and desired outcomes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Diversity, equity, inclusion, and psychological safety are critical components of a thriving workplace. They lead to better innovation, creativity, employee engagement, and overall business performance. Embracing diversity ensures a variety of perspectives, while equity guarantees fairness in opportunities. Inclusion fosters a sense of belonging, and psychological safety encourages open communication, contributing to a positive and collaborative work environment.
The timeline for results varies based on your organization’s unique circumstances and the scope of changes you’re implementing. While some improvements might be noticeable in the short term, achieving a full cultural transformation takes time. Our goal is to help you establish a strong foundation for lasting change, and we work closely with you to set realistic expectations and milestones.
Absolutely. Our services are adaptable to organizations of all sizes and industries. Diversity, equity, inclusion, and psychological safety are relevant and valuable in any work setting. We tailor our strategies to suit your organization’s specific needs and challenges, ensuring that our solutions are effective and meaningful regardless of your industry or size.
We use a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods to measure the impact of our services. This includes employee surveys, interviews, data analysis, and key performance indicators (KPIs) related to areas such as employee satisfaction, retention rates, and team collaboration. Our goal is to provide you with tangible evidence of the positive changes our partnership brings to your organization.
Sustainability is a key focus of our approach. We work with your organization to embed changes into your culture and practices. This includes ongoing training, regular assessments, and adjusting strategies as needed. By involving all levels of the organization and cultivating a sense of shared responsibility, we create a foundation for lasting change.

Partner with Elevated Coaching & Consulting for Lasting Change

If you’re ready to create a workplace where diversity is celebrated, equity is upheld, inclusion is the norm, and psychological safety is paramount, then it’s time to take the first step. Our team at Elevated Coaching & Consulting is here to partner with you on this transformative journey.
Contact Us today for your complimentary DEI strategy consultation.

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To find out more about our professional coaching service and how a business coach, leadership coach, or career coach can help you achieve your goals, get in touch with us right away. Let’s work together to realize your full potential and build a life and career you enjoy.

Kylie Van Luyn

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